The International Virtual Course-Summer Course on Modern Optics and Its Applications (IVC-SCoMOA) 2023 is an international summer course held by the Indonesian Optical Society (InOS). The IVC-SCoMOA 2023 is organized in collaboration with the Physics Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Pelita Harapan,  Universitas Padjadjaran, and University of Malaya. The SCoMOA 2023 will be carried out on July 28th – August 1st, 2023

This course contains an introduction to Islamic economics (Mudharabah and Musyarakah investments), Islamic bank balance sheets, Sukuk investments (bonds), and other investments. The material will be equipped with some detailed calculations so that mathematical modeling with optimization of one or several variables can be built using these existing equations.  Other topics are Annuities Loan, and Yield Rates.

Kuliah ini akan  mengajarkan  berbagai  materi terkait dengan sukubunga majemuk dan konsep  anuitas, yang menjadi dasar dari instrumen keuangan untuk investasi.

Keluaran yang diharapkan adalah mahasiswa dapat memahami  konsep sukubunga, anuitas, amortisasi dan sinking fund, serta dapat mengaplikasikannya pada dua jenis instrumen keuangan untuk investasi (obligasi dan opsi).


This course contains an introduction to Islamic economics (Mudharabah and Musyarakah investments), Islamic bank balance sheets, Sukuk investments (bonds), and other investments. The material will be equipped with some detailed calculations so that mathematical modeling with optimization of one or several variables can be built using these existing equations.  Other topics are Long Term Stock Investment Framework and Its Performance Measurement, Hypothesis Testing & Regression Analysis and Statistical Approach, Application and Advantage on Real Based Problem.